Imperial Valley College Desert Museum
- Offers information on the natural and archaeological background of the Lower Colorado Desert
- Hosts a series of classes, field trips, and special events
- Location: 11 Frontage Road at the Interstate 8 offramp in Ocotillo
- Open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Call: (760) 358-7016; Fax: (760) 358-7827
- Visit
Pioneers Museum and Cultural Center
- Exhibits aspects of the life histories of the early settlers of the Imperial Valley
- Galleries feature different ethnic communities and the histories of their settlement
- Location: 373 East Aten Road in Imperial
- Open Tuesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., or by appointment. School Tours October to May; closed in summer
- Admission: $4 adults, 50 cents children under 13
- Call (760) 352-1165
- Visit
BLM Cultural Resources
- Visit the BLM site to find more information about the following cultural resources:
- Butterfield Overland Mail Stage Route
- Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail
- Mormon Battalion Trail
- Plank Road
- Tumco Historic Townsite
- Yuha Geoglyph
- Yuha Well